Welcome to 1st NABEEA Conference 2021!

14 June 2021

Title: NABEEA Conference : Issues and Solutions of Signatories

Moderator : Prof. Ir. Dr. Norlida binti Buniyamin

Co-Moderator : Ir. Abdul Aziz bin Omar

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, 1st NABEEA Conference 2021 will be held virtually through Zoom

1st NABEEA Conference Agenda

NABEEA Conference Presentation

Welcome to the First Network of Accreditation Bodies for Engineering Education in Asia Conference, or NABEEA Conference 2021 and thank you for your presence in celebrating together with us this memorable occasion. On behalf of the Board of Engineers Malaysia and NABEEA, I would like to thanks everyone who joining us today either by ZOOM or Facebook Live. I would also like to express our special gratitude to our distinguished speakers from NABEEA’s members.

Thank you so much, Gentlemen, for accepting our invitation and coming for this conference. Today’s conference will focus on a theme “Issues and Solutions of Signatories”. It will relate to the sharing session by various NABEEA’s members on the journey to be signatories of Washington Accord (WA). The Conference will include sharing of successful experience from NABEEA’s members who are already full signatory of Washington Accord (WA) and sharing of preparatory experience from other Asian jurisdictions in their road to Washington Accord provisional signatory.

There are still many Asian jurisdictions who are not aware of or having less information about Washington Accord under International Engineering Alliance or in short IEA. I would like to welcome them to join NABEEA and let us facilitate and assist aspiring you to be signatories of Washington Accord (WA). NABEEA Conference like today will provide a platform in exchanging information on engineering education and its accreditation system, as well as identifying the similarities and dissimilarities, which can be used in your journey to be signatories of Washington Accord (WA). Thus, I wish to propose to NABEEA Members to consider making this conference as NABEEA annual event.

Ladies and gentlemen, This conference will enlighten and provide us with best approaches to deal with the issue of becoming a signatory of Washington Accord (WA) With that note, I wish to thank everyone who made this conference possible with his or her opinions and views. My special thanks to the BEM’s Working Group on NABEEA Conference and Meeting and Secretariat who have worked hard to ensure the two-days event a success. Thank you and I wish you a successful, safe and fruitful conference.

Dato’ Ir. Haji Mohamad Zulkefy bin Sulaiman
Chairman of NABEEA

Reach Us


Board of Engineers Malaysia
Level 17, Block F, JKR HQ

Jalan Sultan Salahuddin

50580 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


+60 3 2691 2090


Mon – Fri :  8am – 5pm
Weekend :  Closed

Please leave a message if you have any enquiries