Rules and Procedures

NABEEA is a multi-lateral arrangement between groups of
jurisdictional agencies in Asia responsible for accreditation of qualifications in
their national jurisdiction boundaries who have chosen to engage in mutual
capacity building to achieve harmonization of the accreditation systems at the
fundamental level. Membership is voluntary, but the members are committed
to development and recognition of good practice in engineering education for
the region.


a. Eligibility

Members are divided into full members and associate members. Full membership is confined to a representative accrediting body or bodies for engineering education in each country or jurisdiction within Asia. Associate membership is confined to representative engineering licensing/registration bodies in each country or jurisdiction. Observer status is open to all organizations interested in the activities of NABEEA.

b. Duties

Each member shall make reasonable effort to promote the Network’s activities to achieve the objectives described in the Preamble. Each member shall ensure smooth communication amongst members. Each member shall be active in committees and project working groups as needed. Each member shall make effort to provide opportunities for sharing of good practices and exchange of views amongst members to foster mutual understanding and relations of trust.

Organization & Election of Officers

General Assembly (“GA”)

The governing body of the Network, is composed of full members with voting right, and has power to amend rules and procedures, effect membership change, and to admit new members, etc. Associate members and observers may participate in proceedings but have no voting right.


The body is composed of full members including the Chair and Secretariat, and is charged with supervising the Secretariat and helping to manage day-to-day operation of the Network. It is appointed by the GA for a renewable four-year term.


The chair will convene and preside at all GA and Council meetings. It is appointed by the GA for a renewable two-year term. Only the council members are eligible. The elected council member organization of the Network will appoint a Chair person.


The administration of the Network will be facilitated by a secretariat. It is appointed by the GA for a renewable two year term. Only the council members are eligible. The elected council member organization of the Network will appoint a Secretary.

Committees & Projects

The committees and projects may be created by the GA as needed. The committee or project working group members will also be appointed by the GA. The council members are expected to furnish committee and project working group members.

Decision Making

Each country or jurisdiction shall have one vote at the GA. In cases where there are plural, i.e., two or more, full members from a country or jurisdiction, the full members will cast the vote by reaching a consensus amongst themselves.

Adoption of, and amendment to rules and procedures shall be effected by a positive vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) at the GA meeting, in which at least one-half of the member jurisdiction represented by one or more full members is in attendance

Issue resolution is by a simple majority vote at the GA meeting based on the report submitted by the relevant committee or project working group.

Admission of the New Members

A body wishing to join the Network either as a full member or an associate member should send to the Chair or Secretariat a written application that includes the Organization name, Jurisdiction, Responsible officer, Liaison officer, together with the accreditation and/or registration/licensing activity of the organization.

A presentation by the applicant organization at the GA meeting is required prior to the voting.

Admission of a new member shall be effected by a positive vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) at the GA meeting.

Change in Membership Status

a. Withdrawal

Any member wishing to withdraw from the Network must give a written notice to the Secretariat at least six (6) months in advance. Once a member withdraws from the Network, the body cannot re-apply for the membership of the Network for three years.

B. Revocation

Upon due consideration, the GA may revoke the membership of any member absent from three (3) consecutive GA meetings without posting justifiable reason(s) in writing to the Chair or Secretariat.


a. Periodic Business Meetings

The GA will meet annually. The Council may meet more frequently or communicate through e-mails and conference calls. Workshops on topics in engineering accreditation or educational delivery may be conducted concurrent to the Council or GA meetings.

B. Other Meetings

Other meetings may be held on an AD HOC basis at the initiation of the Chair.


a. Authority Vested

The secretariat has no decision making power, but faithfully implements the Rules and Procedures.

B. Duties

The secretariat must maintain a record of the deliberations and decisions at all meetings, facilitate and record exchange of information between the members, maintain the NABEEA website (hhtp:// and handle publications.

C. Transition

The outgoing secretariat shall promptly effect transfer of all records, publications and the control of the NABEEA website to the incoming secretariat.


There shall be no membership fees for the initial period. The Chair, Secretariat, and Council members shall work as volunteers. All activities within the Network will be conducted by the members supported by voluntary contributions.


This Network shall remain in effect for so long as it is acceptable and desirable to the members. Dissolution of this Network or merger with another body shall requite unanimous approval by the full members at the GA meeting.

Special Issues

At the initiation of the Council, the GA is empowered to form committees or project working groups as needed to address special issues.